Greater Western USA Region Supports Your Intergroup or Meeting.

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Support for Developing Regions

Are you trying to start up a new region? Contact us so we help out!


Powerpoint: ACA Regions


The service board that attends to the expressed needs and wants of the fellowship.

Service Structure of ACA


In ACA, meeting representatives come together to form intergroups, and intergroup representatives form regions.  Region representatives provide guidance to the World Service Board.  We lend support to the fellowship in our region and provide communication between meetings, intergroups, and the world service board.  The Greater Western USA Region strives to help all our meetings be safe and aligned with our greater fellowship.

What is ACA?

ACA is a 12 Step / 12 Tradition program of recovery dedicated to people who were raised in dysfunctional families. ACA does not seek to assign blame to parents or caretakers, but we seek to understand the reality of how family dysfunctions affected us as children and still affects our adult behavior today.

Family dysfunction may include alcoholism, abandonment, neglect, or any type of addiction or abuse. ACA is synonymous with ACoA; Adult Children Anonymous; & Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional Families.

Adult Children may identify with many (if not all) of the 14 characteristics below. This list of common traits is affectionately known as the “Laundry List

What Are ACA Regions?

ACA Regions are service committees that are part of the Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional Families service network supporting the ACA membership. This ACA service network includes meetings, Intergroups, Regions, and the World Service Organization (WSO). ACA Regions consist of Intergroup and meeting members in specific geographic areas.

In April 2017, the WSO Board and the Annual Business Conference (ABC) reaffirmed WSO’s “historical commitment to the formation of regional service entities as important channels for improving service to the fellowship and for increasing connections between meetings, Intergroups, and the WSO.”

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